Global Short Disclosures

You can use our industry standard platform to submit positions to multiple venues:

  • Accurate modelling of Submitting Entity and Affiliate model e.g. Investment Advisor:Fund or Broker:Client structures
  • Industrial strength encryption and auditing
  • SFTP, Web Service or Portal based submission
  • Rolling Submissions functionality

United States

  • Far reaching and extensive disclosure regime which catches most managers and most equities, regardless of where traded
  • Full automation
  • End to end monitoring, and e-filings with SEC
  • In-house sourcing of whole suite of data in calculations or Bring Your Own Data
  • Monitoring and disclosures 



  • 15 continuous years of reporting disclosures to the Australian regulator, ASIC
  • ASIC Certified
  • Millions of FIX messages exchanged 
  • Sophisticated routing and retries 
  • Dual redundant BT and TNS leased lines for resilience
  • Real-time submissions with automatic recovery
  • Automatic calendar checks
  • ISIN and Ticker validation
  • Automatic short disclosure submissions to ASIC


  • Automatic market value calculation
  • Net held percentage calculation based off the latest shares outstanding figures
  • Smart reminders to ensure nothing is missed
  • Automatic short disclosure submissions to MAS
  • Acknowledgement capture and storage

See here for more details

European Union, Iceland, Norway and the UK 

  • Calculation of thresholds based on the latest adjusted issued capital figures
  • Determine whether a position has increased by 0.1% since last reportage and report accordingly
  • Ability to automatically report the last notification date for a position in the same issuer
  • Handling of Public Holidays across 29 member states of the EU
  • Filtering out the list of non-reportable stocks as per the regulator notifications
  • ISO compliant country codes and date-time formats
  • Automatic fax confirmations to the regulators where required
  • ISIN and Issuer Name validation
  • Automatic short disclosure submissions to any ESMA compliant regulator

Hong Kong

  • Automatic filtering of stocks based on the SFC reportable list
  • Automatic market value calculation
  • Handling the Weekly or Emergency Daily reporting automatically
  • Automated submissions to the SFC
  • FX rates translation


  • Threshold calculations
  • Board lot conversions
  • Production of reports in the designated format
  • Mail-outs with tracking

Jurisdictions Supported for Automated Short Disclosures

All global jurisdictions with Short Disclosure requirements, presently:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany (BaFin)
  • Germany (Bundesanzeiger Verlag)
  • Greece
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • the Netherlands
  • United Kingdom
  • United States (2025)